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Richard Pane

Profile Updated: March 16, 2024
Richard Pane
Residing In:
Accokeek, MD USA
Private Uber driver for my wife
Theresa, born 1981
Theodore, born 1982
Military Service:
Yes! Attending Reunion

I served in the USAF from 1967 to 1971 then attended Hartford Community College. I graduated from Central Connecticut State College in 1976 with a B.S. in Accounting. I then went to work for the Department of Defense. My assignments included the Navy Regional Finance Ctr, Defense Finance and Accounting Service, and finally the Chief of Navy Information (Public Affairs). On Sep 11, 2001, I was in the Pentagon when it was attack and was lucky to get out alive.
In 2003 I retired from Federal Service and went to work for Booz Allen Hamilton, a government contractor. I left Booz Allen Hamilton in 2005 and became a full time house husband.

I am presently doing community work. I am heavily involved with the board of directors of our homeowners association with the intent of getting involved with county politics in Prince Georges' County Maryland (the same county where the newly elected councilwoman had hidden $79K of kickbacks in her undergarments). I am also a parish council member of St Columba Catholic Church.

Junior High:


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May 20, 2024 at 6:50 AM

Welcome to the Class of 65 Website John. Richard Norcross and I have been wondering where in the world did you go. Along with John Hawkins, Chuck May, Vinnie Motolo among other Talcott/Conard grads. I have been living in Southern Maryland just outside Washington, D.C. since 1977. I graduated Central Connecticut State with a degree in Accounting and went to work for the Department of the Navy as a Accountant. I worked for the Navy and other Department of Defense Agencies for 28 years before retiring in 2005 and went to work as a contractor for Booz/Allen/Hamilton until 2007 when I went full retirement. You will enjoy this site because of the immediate access to fellow classmates and you will find out what is happening with your friends. Norcross still lives in the Hartford area and occassionally we communicate either this medium or facebook. Keep in touch and consider attending next year's reunion.

Richard Pane added a comment on Profile.
May 20, 2024 at 6:39 AM
Richard Pane added a comment on Profile.
May 20, 2024 at 6:38 AM
Richard Pane added a comment on Profile.
Mar 26, 2024 at 10:57 AM
Richard Pane posted a message. New comment added.
Mar 19, 2024 at 1:20 PM

Posted on: Mar 16, 2024 at 10:52 AM

High School life including sports.

Richard Pane has a birthday today.
Feb 20, 2024 at 4:33 AM
Richard Pane posted a message. New comment added.
Oct 11, 2023 at 2:40 PM

Posted on: Oct 10, 2023 at 2:57 PM

My heart goes out to all my Jewish classmates and friends. The State of Israel has just suffered another day of infamy in their history. As President Biden has spoken this was an act of sheer evil and that we Americans stand fast with our Jewish friends and the State of Israel and never shall we fail. Only the followers of Satan can plan and execute such a slaughter of innocent lives on Saturday. Again, my prayers to our Father in heaven is to comfory the dead, the injure, and the mourning for their losses and to bring his Holy Justice to those who celebrate this horrible act.

Richard Pane added a comment on Profile.
Aug 29, 2023 at 4:21 PM
Richard Pane posted a message. New comment added.
Sep 29, 2023 at 10:19 PM

Posted on: Aug 23, 2023 at 9:01 PM

I have found a missing classmate. For those who lived in the Elmwood section does the Savage Insurance Agency ring a bell. Well, I just joined the Conard High School Alum group and low and behold while talking about Mr. Lloyd Roberts I get this comment from William (Bill) Savage. Apparently, he is somewhere on the west coast most likely California. I gave him this website and asked him to join.

Richard Pane added a comment on Profile.
Aug 23, 2023 at 8:43 PM
Richard Pane posted a message. New comment added.
May 06, 2023 at 1:00 PM

Posted on: May 04, 2023 at 10:40 PM

You all remember Mr. Lloyd Roberts our sophomore English teacher? I certainly do because he nicknamed me "Pitiful Pane". Apparently it was appropriate because everytime I come on this great medium for our class I have another "Pitiful" news article. Today, is no exception. Since Covid 19 struck I have been having health problems first was kidney stones and back in November I was diagnosed with AFib. AFib is a condition where my heart races too fast; for example, a normal heart would beat no more than 65 or 66 beats per minute - mine was beating around 90 to 95 beats a minute and if I asserted myself in any way such as climbing stairs it would go as high as 145 beats. I am now under care of a team of physicians at INOVA Hospital in Fairfax, VA. The team includes a heart specialist that treats AFib, a sleep disorder physician and a weight control specialist. The theory is that not only treat the AFib but also treat the causes as well sleep apnea, overweight and STRESS. Anyways, the first course of action was to slow down the rapid heart beat which was done on a outpatient basis and the heart specialist actually shocked my heart back into a normal beating pattern which worked but only a temporary basis when he will perform a cardioablation where they will scar the damage part of the heart where the electrical impulses were originating to cause the AFib. I have also had a sleep study but haven't receive the results. Yesterday, I had blood drawn for the weight control physician and I got the results back today with her comments. The major concern for her for the thyroid where the hormones were way out whack with the normal range which could have been causing a lot of my problems of fatigue, constipation, lightheadedness, headaches, etc. She is scheduling me to see her nutritionist to plan action. Oh by the way, this is on top of my wife's recent breast cancer diagnosis which resulted in a partial mastectomy of her left breast and now faces 21 straight days of radiation treatment which has it risks. And so fellow classmates I am no longer "Pitiful Pane", you can call "Pill Popping Pane". Goodnight everyone

Richard Pane has a birthday today.
Feb 20, 2023 at 4:33 AM
Richard Pane posted a message. New comment added.
Nov 26, 2022 at 9:22 AM

Posted on: Nov 25, 2022 at 5:29 AM

My dear classmates of Class of 65,
Yesterday, I made a statement on our website that I was shocked and mortified that I did to hurt another classmate. Thomas Payne wrote that "the pen is mightier than the sword" while Mr. Payne did not have the technical advances that we have today and this Mr. Pane would like to add that the computer is much swifter than the paper. I will not repeat the comments to others who did not see them; however, to those who did see them I would like to express my deepest sympathies for the pain they caused you. The Venerable Fulton J. Sheen said "Freedom does not mean the right to do whatever we want but rather to do as we ought." and that is why I choose to make this statement public to the entire class because if I remained silent and not address my poor sense of judgment and humor than I would not be following my religious belief to ask for forgiveness from those individuals who I sinned against and would make it appear that I truly meant those comments. I have been the victim of bullying and misplaced comments about my name especially from a Sophomore English teacher. Two wrongs do not make a right. So again, to those who saw my comments you have my deepest apology and hope that in your heart can forgive me for what I have done.
With respect,
Richard Pane

Richard Pane added a comment on Profile.
Nov 24, 2022 at 11:51 AM
Richard Pane added a comment on Profile.
Nov 24, 2022 at 11:50 AM
Richard Pane posted a message.
Sep 28, 2022 at 11:38 AM

To all our "65" classmates that reside in Florida, our prayers are with you as Hurricane Ian explodes upon you. Whether you are in the target zone or parts of the state not in the path it will have an overall impact on your lives - emotionally, spiritually, and financially. I have cousins both maternal and paternal (and my only surviving Aunt) who are literally feeling the wrath of this storm. PLEASE stay safe and hope to see you all in a couple of years God willing.

Richard Pane has left an In Memory comment for Profile.
Sep 17, 2022 at 9:30 AM

Elmwood Elementary, Talcott Junior High, and Conard High alums has lost another classmate.  I remember Linda as being quiet and unassuming.  Will miss you and may God embrace you in his arms.

Richard Pane added a comment on Profile. New comment added.
Aug 04, 2022 at 8:32 PM

Posted on: Aug 04, 2022 at 8:32 PM

Richard Pane added a comment on Profile. New comment added.
Jul 10, 2022 at 4:39 PM

Posted on: Jul 10, 2022 at 11:15 AM

Richard Pane posted a message. New comment added.
May 19, 2022 at 11:35 AM

Posted on: May 16, 2022 at 5:51 AM

Great new photo of our reunion committee. If I haven't said before but you all have done a fabulous job in the organizing our reunions and maintaining this website especially my homeroom classmate Michael Novak. I have one question though, I thought that Frank was 6 foot 5 when we graduated? It seems he gets pushed further up front in every one of these photos.